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LIEBESBRIEFE vom Universum 💌

Eine Erinnerung an den Zauber des Lebens und deine Kraft.
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Liebes Universum

Was vor 5 Jahren als Instagram-Account von High Energy Mind begann, erreicht heute jeden Monat 3 Millionen Menschen. Liebes Universum schenkt dir positive Impulse vom Universum und schickt sie direkt in dein Postfach.

Wir sind überzeugt, dass du dir das Leben deiner Träume manifestieren kannst. Mit Liebes Universum möchten wir dir zeigen, dass das Universum nur darauf wartet, dass du wieder an dich glaubst. ❤️

Dear, Thank you for each of your words, thank you for existing. Why? Because you speak to my soul every time, because I recognize myself in you. And because you stand for my values. And because you infect the world with it. And because I know that there is someone in this world who sees many things the way I do and that gives me connection and faith, especially in times of upheaval.


I normally don‘t reply to newsletters I receive. But today it was exactly what I needed to hear in this moment.
Thanks from the bottom of my heart!
Made my day and leaves me smiling!


I cried tears while reading. So on point in a positive way. Filled with your energy and love.

Thank you!

I cried tears while reading. So on point in a positive way. Filled with your energy and love.

Thank you!